I’m opening for DJ Abilities & Jel.
DJ Abilities and Jel are on tour this summer! Years ago (’98?) at the Cactus Club in San Jose, after a dope impromptu set, Abilities announced that he and Jel would tour together and now it’s finally happening. And I’m … Continue reading
Cadence Weapon at The Independent
Cadence Weapon was kind enough to invite us to his show last Thursday night at The Independent. He’s on tour now with Japandroids, promoting his new album Hope In Dirt City.
Miami Bass is back
The Miami Bass party with DJ Quest is Thursday, June 7th from 10 pm to 2 am. This time bicoastal Billy Jam is jammin’ with us. And this will be our last time at Som, which changes ownership next week.
Miami Bass goes monthly
Last month’s party went so well, DJ Quest, Marc Stretch and I are now at SOM every first Thursday from 10 pm until.