Drake’s Dealership 3/19
I’m back at Drake’s Dealership on Saturday, March 19th from 1 to 4 pm. Looks like it may rain that day, in which case you’ll find me and the turntables inside!
Drake’s Dealership 2/13 & 3/19
I’m back at Drake’s Dealership this Saturday, February 13th from 1 to 4 pm, then again on March 19th. Come hang in the sunny beer garden!
Drake’s Dealership 12/26 & 1/16
Photo from SF Eater Drake’s Dealership has turned into a monthly gig, and I love it. The only drawback is carrying two or three bags of records on BART, but luckily I have my husband to help with that. I’m … Continue reading
Drake’s Dealership 11/28
I’m back at the turntables in the beer garden at Drake’s Dealership in Oakland this Saturday afternoon from 1 to 4 pm. This is my favorite gig! Can’t beat the beer. It’s totally worth lugging 3 hours worth of vinyl … Continue reading