Humphry Slocombe x Vinyl Dreams Happy Hour 2/17
It’s time for the winter edition of the Humphry Slocombe ice cream happy hour at Vinyl Dreams. Brrr!
Vinyl Dreams proprietor Mike Bee, Teemoney and I spin records for your dancing, shopping and ice cream-licking pleasure from 5 pm to 8-ish. Bring the kids!
The Vinyl Dreams shop is at 593 Haight Street in San Francisco.
First 69RPM Happy Hour of 2016
We’re still on 4th Fridays but got bumped this month. See you this Friday at The Knockout! There may be a special surprise guest DJ along with DJ B.Cause and me.
Drake’s Dealership 12/26 & 1/16
Photo from SF Eater
Drake’s Dealership has turned into a monthly gig, and I love it. The only drawback is carrying two or three bags of records on BART, but luckily I have my husband to help with that. I’m back on the turntables on Saturday, December 26 from 1 to 4 pm. Come hang in the beer garden. (Don’t worry about the cold, there are heat lamps.)
Click the photo above for an early review and more pics of the Dealership.
Drake’s Dealership 11/28
I’m back at the turntables in the beer garden at Drake’s Dealership in Oakland this Saturday afternoon from 1 to 4 pm. This is my favorite gig! Can’t beat the beer. It’s totally worth lugging 3 hours worth of vinyl on BART.